If you have copyright claims, mail me and I'll take it down. If you think I'm wrong about something, mail me, as I'd love to learn and discuss. Thanks for hanging around. You're cool.
What are WebHooks? 2021-12-11
This article aims to explain what WebHooks are and it includes an adequate amount of memes (2 of them, to be precise).
Introduction to Redis 2021-10-23
In this article, we briefly talk about what Redis is and how to use it.
Introduction to Docker 2021-09-18
In this article, we briefly talk about virtual machines, containers, and Docker.
What's new in React 18? 2021-08-27
In this article, we briefly talk about what's new in React 18.
What's new in ES2022? 2021-07-22
In this article, we briefly talk about what's new in ECMAScript 2022 and what features has been added to JavaScript in the last few years.
Introduction to Accessibility 2021-05-07
In this article, I briefly talk about what accessibility is and what we can do to make our websites more accessible as web developers.
Using TypeScript with React 2021-04-07
In this article, I give examples on how to use TypeScript with React (create-react-app/ CRA) and Redux.
Introduction to TypeScript 2021-03-26
In this article, I briefly explain some differences between JavaScript and TypeScript, and give small examples of how to use TypeScript features.
Introduction to Recursion 2021-03-13
In this article, I briefly explain recursion using simple examples written in JavaScript.
Computer Science
JavaScript- Object Destructuring & Spread and Rest Operators 2021-03-02
In this article, I very briefly explain Object and Array destructuring, default parameters and spread and rest syntax with simple examples.
Web Development